RC Forums

RC Groups : A very popular RC website dedicated to forum users. Covers all radio controlled sports

RC Universe : One of the biggest radio controlled sites on the web with reviews, forums, news, latest releases

Flying Giants : The biggest New Zealand RC forum. A recommended site

Wattflyer : RC Electric Flight Forum

Online Model Shops – NZ

RCNZ : An online RC store open 7 days a week, freight only $5, and money back guarantee

JR Airsail : Airsail offers quality kit model planes based on sound design, quality engineering and experience

Acorn Models : Christchurch’s biggest and longest running model shop. Good range of products

Online Model Shops – International

Tower Hobbies : A massive store with one of the most extensive range of planes and accessories

Hobby King : Large range and very good service

Easy Built Models : Nice quality kits of free flight and vintage models.

XenonProject.com : RC airplanes and accessories

RC Clubs and associations

Association of Vintage Aeromodellers of New Zealand  –  http://newsarchives.yolasite.com

Sticks & Tissue Newsletters – http://sticksandtissue.yolasite.com/